Corporate Sponsorships
Aligning your brand with an exhibition or program at the National Capital Radio and Television Museum forges awareness of your business with our diverse patrons, supports important cultural initiatives, and provides myriad opportunities for client entertainment and employee engagement.
Each sponsorship alliance is tailored for your corporate needs. Recognition of your philanthropic partnership may include:
- Digital Inclusion for all special events and programs
- Recognition in press and media campaigns:
- Brand inclusion in email blasts to over 300 active recipients
- Quarterly calendar, print advertising, marketing cards, event invitations
- On-site product placement and distribution
For more information on sponsorship opportunities, please contact us at (301) 390-1020 or

Sponsorship Levels & Benefits
Email Blast Sponsor ($500)
- Logo Inclusion in a minimum of 10 bi-weekly Artifact Showcase emails (300 active members)
- Logo on Museum website for ten (10 weeks)
Bronze Sponsor ($1,000)
- Company Sponsor social media post bi-monthly for 6 months
- Logo on Museum website for 6 months
- Logo inclusion in quarterly Dials & Channels Magazine (print and digital) to over 300 active members and registered guests. (4 publications per year)
Gold Sponsor ($2,500)
- Business size ad in quarterly Dials & Channels Publication
- 5 Membership Passes
- Logo on Museum website for 1 year
- Table Sponsor at annual Lifetime Achievement Awards gala
- Inclusion in a minimum of 20 Social Media posts
- On site sponsor at the NCRTV Museum